In the News
Britney Spears has a baby boy. The question is is her belly ring still going to look as hot as it use to. Or are all of us dirty old men going to have to find another peanut butter cookie?
Rene dumps Kenny and says their marriage was a fraud. How does a guy do that? Is he really not Kenny Chesney? What he doesn't really own the island? Did she get a hold of a tape measure? 6 ain't 9 no matter how hard you pull.
Bush takes responsibilty. My question is for what? The sun coming up? I wish the country well on the rebuilding of New Orleans but let's keep an eye on those who will be handling the money. I have less worries about Haliburton as I do the local political thieves in Louisiana.
The Rams lost their first game so beware I be red. But the Ducks and the Beavers are 2 and 0. No word if the Beavers will play the Gamecocks next year. NCAA is concerned. They are threatening to scalp the administrators if they do play.
Streaking is back. That will help with the Half Nekkid cultees. I think its funny as hell. I always like when some guy pops out his pecker in the least appropriate time. The Olympics and the Academy awards come to mind. You go dudes let the wind be your guide.
Cindy Sheehan is claiming Bush did Katrina so he could overthrow New Orleans for their oil. She is saying that Bush needs to get the occupying troops out of the French Quarter. I say share what the hell you be smoking girl.
Some guy has broke the record of watching TV. 69 hours and some. Yeah right dude. You have nothing on me. I just don't brag about it or time myself. Give me plenty of bud and munchies I can do it for weeks at a time.
Still no word on the cat thief who is making auto fuel out of the neighborhood cats. Hear tell he had a tongue operation too.
And this just in, Bob Denver is still stranded in a box.
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