Thursday, March 10, 2005

Couragous Rebellion

This is not my original blog post for the day. I originally wrote this long blog on how the bloggers were eventually going to take over the world media.

I called today’s bloggers, modern day pamphleteers, in the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine. I boasted how those in the blogosphere were responsible for driving Dan Rather out. I wrote on how the emergence of talk radio and the new magazines that have flooded the media outlets were examples of how the people of this nation have been virtually ignored until recently. I explained in detail how the talk radio boom has profited by tapping into the discontent around the nation and they have affirmed the angst the citizens have been mulling over for some time. People from both the left and right finally have outlets for their rage and no media giant can control their means of communicating that rage.

Every person with access to the net can be empowered and become a player. We have finally become what I believe our forefathers wanted us to be, an active citizenry.

I was so impressed with the writing I started thinking of it as today’s “Common Sense”. I saw bloggers all over the world posting their rebellion. I saw a modern day French revolution that made the student marches and the civil rights marches of the 60s look like PTA meetings. Man I really became full of my own bullshit. I was enraged, empowered, fired up and banging the walls with my soapbox.

When I was completely satisfied with my work and ready to share it with the pent up rebels of the modern day revolution. I hit post and the damn server went down. Destroyed all of my work. Fuck the rebellion.

Courage my ass…..