Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm pooped

After thrity trips to WalMrt for another gallon of paint and God knows what else, the family finally got three bedrooms painted. Mrs. Pirate, god love her, had us working our butts off the last four days. We are preparing the house for her family's arrival for Jock's graduation this June.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea about our house. We have a nice house; four bedrooms, two baths, family room, living room, kitchen and den, two-car garage and swimming pool. But after eleven years in a house where you have raised three kids you need some upgrading. I think Mrs. Pirate has a plan to do it all in a month. You'd think she was inviting the Queen mother or the press to our house for the graduation. She has us scrubbing walls, painting, tiling, painting, washing, painting, shampooing, etc...

I was never so glad to take her to work this morning at 6 am. Oh, the spring ahead thing, wrong weekend for me. I am pooped. The last thing I needed was one hour less of sleep. And not to mention we are getting new blinds in the bedroom so we had nothing covering our windows this weekend. So the ever so damn happy sun had to wake me up so DAMN EARLY. I'm sorry I'm not a morning person. I prefer staying up later, reading, writing, watching a littel boob tube, hit the bed around 1 am or 2 am and get up around 9 am. The sun and Mrs., Pirate had a different schedule in mind for me.

You should have seen the smile on my face as I waved to Mrs. Pirate as she entered her building at work, it was one of those bird in the cat's mouth smiles. Then I bolted home got the three kids off to school, dropped them off and drove like a madman home, locked the door, put the yippy dog in the bedroom, unplugged the ringer on the phone, put a blanket over the window and went back to sleep until 10:30. I love spring break, when its over.

But I feel much better and have been very productive after getting my early nap.

Don't be saying anything about me being lazy or whatever, that's the benfits of being your own boss. Tomorrow I plan to be back to my wound up self.
