What a Great Weekend
I don't think you could have ordered a better weekend except for the damn Duck's game. First off I am gratful I don't live along the Gulf of Mexico. Secondly, I am gratful I wasn't in Washington DC with all the Balkanized irritants marching around the White House. Fortunately I spent my weekend basking in what is left of the sun in Oregon before the fall rains come, and watching my youngest son run in Cross Country race at Seaside.
The Ducks couldn't keep up the intensity to beat USC and I don't think many football experts thought they could. The Ducks gave USC all they could handle until the middle of the second quarter. I must admit USC may be the best college team ever to don the uniforms. These guys could play on Sundays and give many teams a run for their money as well. I then thought if the Gamecocks don't want to play the Beavers would they prefer to play the Trojans first?
Protest in Washgington DC. Isn't great to be an American where at least you can bitch about anything you can think of? I saw some interviews over the weekend with some of those protesting. Where do these folks come from? There were so many different groups with some crazy grips. Groups like the "Pissed off Quilters", The "If its American it has to be bad for you unless there is Democrat in the White House" group, "We hate Bush" Group (what always gets me here is its always some lesbian woman who is their spokesman, isn't there an oxymoron here?), The "Free Phillipines" Group (besides their rendition of Pink Floyd's Brick in the Wall, I have no idea what they were bitching about), The "Why are all the dead Presidents White men?" Group, The "Socialists against Facist" Group (incidently they had some pretty chicks in there group). and about any other group that makes up the party of Ted "Where'd I put my glass" Kennedy and Senator Robert "Sheets" Byrd. And of course you know her, you love her Cindy Sheehan.
What I am about to tell you is going to rile some feathers. When I see all those people marching around gripping and leaving their trash everywhere I am reminded of why people protest. Women protest because they usually are more emotional about issues and have less internal resistance to bring their grievances to the forefront then do men. Men protest because there is plenty of beer, pot and plenty of vulnerable women at the ralliest. If you think less than 90% of the men protesting are there for anything other than what sooths their buzz, belly or balls you're sadly mistaken. Men care for very little outside of their own personal circle. I know because I have been a member of the "Asshole" club for almost 46 years.
When I was in college and you had nothing to do you always went to some protest and feasted on the free pizza, free beer and pot and if you stayed true to the role you usually met some very nice and caring coed to help you with your pain later.
Enough of that. If you doubt me ask any honest men protestors you know. If he answers otherwise he is either gay, or lying in order to soothe his pain.
Seaside and the Cross Country race. If you have ever been to the Oregon coast you know how beautiful the Seaside area is. The weather was in the low 80s with a slight breeze. There were 96 schools with approximately 2,000 athelets running. I even spoke with JoeValsetz daughter, what a nice young lady.
My eldest son, Jock wasn't running because of some seperated ribs he has been dealing with. But the little guy, Slick turned in a good showing. Later that night I asked him what his time was and he said he wasn't too sure what it was but he wanted to share with me all the phone numbers of girls he had gotten from the dance the night before. He told me there were so many pretty and nice girls from all over the west coast and Canada. He had danced with many and got plenty of email addresses and phone numbers. I think Slick is gearing up for some protesting when he gets to college.
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