Monday, February 14, 2005

What up and what be happenin? (Or my Monday bitch session)

It’s nothing I planned but as a Pirate I am free to do whatever I want because I am not restrained by any rules or policies. I have decided, for now, that Monday posts will be social commentary. I do not want to waste every day of the week commenting on current events and providing my personal opinion on those events. So I have chosen Monday as the day to bitch or brag about the events of the day. I invite anyone to make their comments about my position, about the topic, or about anything that may trip their trigger. I have chosen Monday because I have had a weekend to think of where I am on a particular event and I have lain in bed Sunday morning watching most of the talking heads give lip service to their positions.

Of late the news seems to be focused on two people. One is the lovely and gracious Condalezza (Condi) Rice. The other hot topic is the professor from Colorado, Ward Churchill.

As for the new Secretary of State Condi Rice jet setting around Europe last week has made our country a better place and she has made me proud to be an American. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if the lady is a Republican or if she should have been a clairvoyant where September 11, 2001 is concerned, her actual existence and the fact she is our Secretary of State makes the United States of America a country of the future. The very fact that an African American female is in the most important international position in the world says volumes about where this country has been, where it is now and where it is going.

For too long blacks in the USA have been crapped upon. I don’t want to venture down the path of blame because regardless of whose fault it was blacks have gotten the short end of the stick. In the black side of the tracks black women have taken a backseat themselves. Basically if this country was a land of social tiers (and it just may be) the black woman was on the lowest tier, the bottom rung of the ladder if you will.

Now, today a black woman represents our nation around the world. I don’t care who you voted for or against last November Ms. Rice is our international representative. She is our voice and face to the rest of the world. Condi in essence is us. And frankly as a mid-40s white guy I am damn proud of it. I am proud that we may have finally arrived at a place where you are promoted and heralded not because of what group you come from but rather because you are possibly the best for the job. I do not care what you may think about President Bush but it is obvious he has nothing but trust in Ms. Rice and he thinks she is the best for the job. A job that may be presently the most important job in the world. If she wasn’t I have no doubt someone else would be in that job. The Republicans have many minions in their coffers they could of and would of put in the position if they didn’t believe Ms. Rice was the best person for it.

Go Condi go. Show those old European and Arab butt-licking leaders and all the other leaders around the world that you mean business and that you will accept nothing but what is right. There may be a presidency in it for you in the next four to eight years. Who would have thought the first woman or first black president could be a Republican?

Ward Churchill should have his ass kicked in a royal fashion. I support his right to say whatever he wants and I do not think he should be fired for saying it. But he should get his ass thumped for saying what he said about those who were murdered on 911. To equate the innocence of those killed by the murderous terrorists with Adolph Eichmann of Nazi fame borders on true blasphemy. To gleefully tell a group of young minds of mush that the firemen, policemen, office workers, janitors, customers and everyone else deserved what they got on 911 is an ass kicking offense. To say with a straight face that people who stayed behind to ride it out with close friends, co-workers and strangers were responsible for what happened is down right sick. To equate the actions of the thugs who murdered over 3,000 of our fellow Americans with the likes of historical freedom fighters is a complete disconnect from reality. It may even border on evil rot itself.

I don’t care if Professor Churchill likes President Bush’s politics or not. It makes no difference what has happened in this country in the past, these innocent people did not deserve to lose their lives because of some rich Arabs grievances. There are several avenues those disgruntled with American policies could have pursued. To concoct such a diabolical plan of destruction only reveals the depths of evil that exist in this world. The only comparison I can see that appropriately exists in this scenario is Churchill with Eichmann and the Arab militant terrorists with the Nazis. The Arab militants are the ones bent on destroying innocence without provocation and Churchill is the propagandist who promotes their actions.

So when we are done kicking some Arab militant ass someone should be appointed to kick Churchill’s ass and then hang it on a bridge so the Arab world can see it.