Manufactured Racism
I feel inspired by a few events that have happened of late that seem to be trying to stir the pot of racial strife. Events that have made me wonder what is behind this new cry of racism.
New Orleans floods after Katrina and all of sudden its all over the tube and hidden in all the messages, Americans are racists, especially the white Christian Republican types. Essentially the message is from the media, that America is racist because black Americans are in dire straits in New Orleans.
Then we had some kid named Kenya West (incidentlly I do like his music) spouting out that President Bush doesn't like blacks. Again, white Christian Republicans males are racists. I then see a couple of dumbshits that shave their heads and wear Nazi uniforms standing on a corner in Toledo, Ohio in what I would call cartoon form. Then the talking heads hit the airwaves claiming this type of stupidity is on the rise because people like George Bush are in the White House.
Then "Banana Boat" man and his cohorts are interviewed at some "down-with-the-man" rally claiming that Bush is racists and when it is pointed out to him that no Administration in the history of this country has ever appointed black Americans to such a high position in our land, "Banana Boat" man then responds with talk about the difference between field slaves and house slaves. And furthers his accussations of racism by calling Condelezza Rice, Colin Powell and all the other black Americans that are conservative, Uncle Toms.
Bill Cosby starts an effort around the states to empower people who have had a history of blaming their short comings on others. Then those who claim to be the rightful owners of empowerment allocation department start attacking Bill Cosby the messanger. Mr. Cosby simply says instead of spending $200 on a pair of basketball shoes why not spend $200 on "Hooked on Phonics". He simply is saying make the right investments in your kids that will actually benefit them by giving them opportunity instead of directing them toward avenues that will further their disappointment.
I personally think the racism that these poverty pimps like Jesse Jackson and his accomplices in the media are trying to say exists died some time ago. The racism that use to blight this nation with a "seperate but equal" mantra has long buried. There are small pockets of the Nazi types and the backwoods rednecks that still use the "N" word as a part of their everyday vocabulary but they are in the minority. A very small minority that rivals the "Flat Earth Society".
The racism we witness today I believe is "manufactured" racism. Created for commercial use only. Created and brought out whenever fund raising or political tension is needed for the left. It is a product to be used for extortion purposes and to threaten any open mindness in the black population.
No corporate leader or politcal leader wants to be labeled a racists. So if a politician ever starts to annoy the left, the media circulates charges of racism and they either abide or die politically. The extortionist are constantly eyeing corporate America looking for any weakness in their corporate armor. If it can be construed that a particular corporation has shortcomings in any area that can be deemed racially insufficient the likes of Reverand Sharpton of Jesse Jackson move in for the kill. Backroom talks commence and the extortion money is paid to keep the peace. Who do you think pockets the extorted funds?
This reminds me of a time when I worked for the state of Oregon. In the state agencies there is a monthly attempt to empower various groups within our society to celebrate their contributions to our society. But instead of empowering, I saw divisive activities that did little to squelch racism but rather promote it.
Every month in the atrium of the state building I worked there was always some cultural activity going on that celebrated the diversity in Oregon. One month could be black American month another would celebrate Pacific or Asian Americans or even a Native American month. There were at least 10 months of the year filled with a celebration of some group.
Each month the building would be decorated with various artifacts that represented whatever group was being celebrated that month. At the end of the month there would be a pot luck or a collection of tables with dishes from all the areas being celebrated. There would be cotumed participants doing dances or playing music from a particular region. In all it was a good time and very imformative. But exclusionary.
One day I was walking through the atrium with a friend of mine who just happened to be Palastinian and came to this country as a immigrant twenty years ago and he possessed a waning sense of humor. I told him I could hardly wait until they celebrated "white American" month. I'm thinking it should be July and we can have a bunch of guys neamed Bubba, bar-be-quing in one area and another called Joe, who could be teaching people about the outdoors. He could be tying flies, or skinning a buck and a guy named Steve over there teaching line dancing and....
This friend of mine became belligerant and started yelling at me calling me a bigot. He said I was a racists and started telling everyone that would listen that I was a closed minded redneck racist. He demanded that I apologize and threatened to have me written up.
I told him that I wasn't a racists in the sense he was accussing me of and that the only ones I knew that practiced racism was the state of Oregon for having these celebration based on nothing but race.
He told me I have problems with diversity and that I was the type of guy that was ruining this country. He went on to say that he thought it was great that several months a year were put aside to celebrate diversity even if the whites in the country didn't want it.
My response was that there was already a day to celebrate diversity in America and that day was July 4th.
Needless to say I was sent to a "Celebrating Diversity" class which is a whole other post in itself.
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