Have you met myfriend JJ Cale?
When I was 18 the summer before college I got the opportunity to run around in a large city, Portland. I know to you metro-types Portland isn't that big. But remember I just graduated from a class that had only 10 students. Portland could have been NYC as far as I was concerned.
One night I got to see this man, JJ Cale, for my the first time, playing in a small venue, I think was called Arbuckle Flats. Out came this nobody to me and sat on a stool and changed the way I listen and understand music. I don't know if it was the smoke in the air or the way a guy could come out and play it so cool with so little. And no fanfare, no fame just good music.
My whole first year in college could have the soundtrack of many of his albums.
To have Eric Clapton backing him up in this video says more then I could ever say about the guy. Who is he? Turn over the old Eric Clapton vinyls you have laying around and take note of who wrote so many of Clapton's hits.
I hope you have enjoyed the four last videos. John lee Hooker, The Doors, John Prine and now JJ Cale.
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