Random Thoughts and Jim
I dedicate this rant to my friend the infamous Rev. Dr. Abagambi, long live Hunter S Thompson and his pissed off view of the world. A lot of beer in the pot listening to Jim and his college buddies. When are they going to give you parole?
You know what makes me sick is the Democrats playing politics while young men and women are in country.
Blood is on W's hands but I agree with W the left is trying to rewrite history. I think the Democrats are as responsible for the situation in Iraq as anyone else. Teddy, Barbaras, Chuck Shumer and the rest of you chikenshits you sound like Hitler's youth after the war. "We were only following orders". Or the defendant who claims innocence because all he did was drive the car.
I find it funny that Woodward is ass deep in the Plame leak. Its funny how the left held him on a pedestal for withholding his secret meetings with his leak in a smoke filled garage.
I hear Cindy "Its-all-about-me" Sheehan is taking her show to Europe. Good. Maybe she can swing by France and say hello to the rioters there. She can report back how much better off the lads on the other side of the pond are then us.
I say we send Cindy and her ilk to the Middle East to talk with the Islamic Fundlementalist. I'm sure they won't lose their heads over them.
Boy am I glad to hear that Martha's Apprentice won't be back next year. I agree she got a bad deal for her stint in the "Big House" but she still grates on my nerves. Don't you think he daughter looks better then her mom?
I have found my show for the year. "My Name is Earl". If I'm not wrong I think he's my cousin. You gotta love the mouth breather brother, Randy.
I'm still liking "Medium" too. Reminds me a lot like of the old Twilight Zone in some weird way. But definately not "Night Gallery". What Night Gallery scared you the most? I'm with the bug in the ear one myself.
Rams are pissing me off. Thus the rants for today. But the Blazers are giving me hope and so are the Ducks. Ducks 24 Beavers 21.
How about this mother who got 30 years for partying with the party boys from school sounds a little harsh to me. Especially in a world where OJ is still free to rent cars. Couldn't they have stuck her in jail for 2 and gave her 5 year probation. She needed a Kennedy lawyer on this one.
When I was in college I drank a lot of Rainier pounders and smoked a lot of twisted smokes to Jim and The Doors. I hope you appreciate their music. The edge they project is missing in a lot of the stuff today. I have only seen their type of edge and social disgust in MM.
You guys are in a lot of trouble now that my son, Jock showed me how to add videos. Watch out Kasey Kasem. If you are unlucky you'll get my Top 40.
I've been listening to a lot of my old stuff (music) lately on the way to and from work. I think they think I'm developing an attitude. Peach is about to slap me up side the head. But it takes her three days to figure out how I RF'd her. Screw em. The ass wipe of a boss bitched me yesterday for missing four days earlier this month for being sick. Then he missed half of this week and out again today sick. But he sends his lovely and gracious wife to micro-manage my ass. I might charge him for dog sitting. I went back through my time sheets and over the last two years I have worked 320 hours overtime without pay. That's 40 days and he bitches about four days. Man don't get me started on this butt crack.
A friend of mine (I should say a commie friend of mine) was telling me the other day that Helen Keller was a Socialist. Who gives a rat's tail? Of course she was she was dependent on others for everything.
Hey, George let's find away to get the hell out of Iraq. Lock the door, throw the keys on the roof and call it good. Maybe light a match and let the whole place go up then call Cindy over for a beer and let the bitch sleep on your couch.
War all is over.......
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