Hey Axe Murderers! Over here!
My youngest daughter is always saying my blogging is only going to bring some axe murderer after us. I say bring 'em on.
The players are Blaze my oldest daughter, Lil Sis the youngest daughter (blonde), Slick the smallest son, Jock the oldest son and Pirate Wannabe, Blaze's sweetie.
Later when I looked at this picture I realized how God gave me kids far better then myself. I had asked them to give me the finger (as in the bird) and that is why they are pointing at me. I can assure you none of these people will ever make it as a Pirate, they better keep their civilian jobs.
These were taken at Wannabe and Blazes crib. She just got done stuffing us with her lasagna. This is where it hit me I needed seven kids.
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