Thursday, December 08, 2005

Life is Fair

This goes out to some of my blogger friends who have been dealing with some trials. Maragret, Hoss, Candi, Addict and Audrey life is fair because it sucks for all of us, one way or another. Like the song says, "no one gets out alive".

The name of this song by Van Morrison is, "The Healing Game". I write a lot of words down with this guy singing into my soul. He has sang me through many hours at the keyboard. I type, he sings. Together we find a feeling within me to express. I have always thought of his songs as a shot of whisky on a ice cube or two. Smooth, cool, with an edge and a burn. I thought this video in black and white put this song in the right mood. I love the age in his face and voice. If I am not wrong on this I think he is trying to be a Pirate in this one. What do you think Hoss?

I thank all of you for your prayers. I can assure they will be part of my strength and definately a big part of my success to come. I don't want any of you to get the idea that I am in anyway worried about the new hand dealt me, because I anticipated the cards and have made my pot right to handle it. I just need to make sure I don't get too eager and play my hand to early or push in the wrong amount of chips at the wrong time.

God has led many unsolicited inquiries to me, not five minutes after getting the news last week. I have been called and requested for several projects to start early next year without any of them knowing of my present employment situation. Only God knew at the time that I was needing help, I withheld it from my family, my friends, personal and bloggers. I kept my cards close to my vest,showed no expression, kept a stiff upper lip and a crooked smile on my face. As it sits right now I should be able to hit the ground running pretty hard the first week of January.

With much luck, I should be able to come and meet many of you. My profession takes me to many places and who knows, I might be like the Monkies, coming to your town.

So crank up your volume and let Van and the sax relax you....


P.S. No, I do not have a 24 year old wife, but I am taking applications.