Things I Noticed During My Hiatus
When you take an actual break from blogging you still write them in your own head. Even though I had made a conscience effort not to blog for awhile I still had a comment for most everything. When something caught my attention I always imagined how i would treat that particular event in my blog.
I noticed that those you grow close to in the blog world have as much if not more in common with you then most of those you have actual contact with on a daily basis.
I've noticed those who blog tend to have a good grasp of current events and tend to be better informed. Even if their points of view may be wrong.
I noticed that both the President of Iran and Osama Bin Ladin have the Democrat speaking points down pat.
I noticed that I do not really like Katie Curic and would much rather get my news from Bob Shaffer and Bret Hume.
I noticed that no matter how hard I try I can not be a good baseball fan. Its too darn slow.
I noticed that football still resides at the top for me. High school, college and pro football over baseball any day.
I noticed the Bush detractors still want it both ways. On one hand he is a bumbling boob who would mess up a wet dream and then on the other hand they see him as this great conspirator manipulating the press. They claim he is behind the destruction of 9/11 and now Spike Lee claims he blew up the levees in New Orleans with jet bombers. For the longest time Madaline "Not so" Bright claimed the administartion had Osama on ice and was waiting for the most opportune time to parade him in front of the press. And she was taken seriously.
I noticed that Rockstar is by far the best reality program on the boob tube, that is other then football.
Speaking of football I have noticed it is all about Terrance Owens. Less of course if you are a fan.
I've noticed all TV emmulates each other. Its either a CSI, a Law and Order or a reality program or something very close to these. What ever happened to PIs and Cowboys? I am about ready for a new Tom Selleck, James Garner, or a new rifleman. Is there anyone out there who can write a story that doesn't have a courtroom, a hospital or a cop shop in it? does everything have to have shallow individuals pitted against each other 'til there is only one standing alone in the shit house?
I've noticed there is no such thing as a permenant record. And this big bruhaha about grades only matters when sisters are bragging about their own kids. I graduated at the top of my class, I have a diploma claiming graduated from college and not once has any employer or adult peer asked to see them.
I noticed that Paris Hilton still turns me on in a white trash kind of way and that I am fastly losing my desire to spend another night with Anglina Jolie. I also have noticed that Britney is getting fat and her maturity makes me yearn for the old trailer park.
I noticed that John Mark Karr proves we have a legal system and not a justice system. Because if it weren't for today's technology they would have already had this twirp strapped to a gurney with a needle in his arm. Can you believe this guy?
I noticed when I blog my mind remains sharper and I work better.
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