Lil Sis has her First Kiss
When Blaze was ten years younger the boys started lining up. An absolutely beautiful young lady she garnered a lot of attention. At first it was attention not solicited. But after awhile she settled into the new status of no longer the tomboy in the neighborhood. I always told her to never go out with a boy who would not introduce themselves to me. And when they did I expected them to shake my hand with a good gripe and to look me straight in the eye. Evidentlly she spread the word because for the next ten years every time I met a new beau they practically broke my hand in a death stare down.
Then the boys took to chasing the girls. Actually they started noticing from the first day of grade school but it took several years to fester into lust. Over the last few years of high school both boys have maintained some kind of love relationship with a girl. Slick tends to move from one to the next about the same rate of the seasons. On the other hand Jock has basically had three girlfriends over the last five years.
Now things have changed. Last week Lil Sis had reached the first month anniversary. (Who doesn't remember keeping scores by months?). I began to notice over the basketball season that she had started mentioning boys in more of endearing way then we had been accustomed to at our house. This last summer I did hear her mention that she thought one of Slick's buddies was cute but it never really went any further then that. Then this year during basketball practice I would hear her and all the other girls discussing the boys in their class. The conversation took on the flavor of how cute one or the other was. At first I chucked off as puppy love in the beginning. Then their discussions and actions became much more forward. More forward then a mean old Pirate like me was able to comprehend.
Lil Sis being naturally shy and not really all that forward when it came to boys, she began to shed the shy act. A lot because of the prodding by her more "boy crazy" friends she began to actuallt sitting by a particular boy at games or school events. Then there was the winter season dance she went to with a boy but she didn't dance. I was thinking she was only showing interest in order to be cool. I thought deep down she was only expressing her attraction to the opposite sex because it was natures way and she was going along to get along with nature.
Well, I was wrong. The beau down the street from our house she had been talking about for months began to walk his basset hound past our house every evening and out to the field behind our place. Mrs. Pirate and I began to notice he lingered longer then the dog needed almost every night out near the mailbox.
Lil Sis had began to tell us how dreamy he was and how he looked like Dirks Bentley, her celebrity crush. I didn't feel it would ever materilize because we knew the parents and knew how strict they were when it came to young kids dating. The boys mother is a Principal at a Catholic school where he attends. Due to their older dauighter and Jock being classmates and we had been together at many school functions we had many discussions about the youth these days.
A month ago the little guy started inviting Lil Sis to walk with him and his basset hound. Then the talk from her included the Dirks Bentley look alike and the basset hound named, Parker. I knew we were in trouble when she knew the dog's name.
Then she informed us he had asked her to be his sweety and she complied. Uh oh. I began to break out the old epees and honing their points. One evening when they were out walking, Parker. I decided to take out the garbage. And guess who I spotted standing behind the cars in the driveway? Yep, you got it. Two barely five foot tall people, smooching. Two little curly blonde haired kids. It took me back to Triangle Trees.
Then the other night as Mrs. Pirate and i were getting ready for bed she asked if we could come to her room. She had something she wanted to show us. My God I hope it ain't a hicky or tattoo. No she wanted to sing us a song karoke style. On came Jackson Browne. She stood there in her room singing "Rosie". With the stage moves and everything. My lands what happened to my baby? This love thing has made her nuts.
As long as she continues to read the same books as I do so we can discuss them. As long as she demands I tuck her in every night and kisses me good bye at school every morning I may be able to adjust. And as long as the boy keeps a good gripe and can look me in the eye I will not worry.
I don't plan to tell her what the song, "Rosie" is about. At least not yet. She sings it so well. and it assures me she is still my baby.
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