Off to Tacoma, Again!

I had mentioned to Cheryl of Hildebrandt Road fame that her recent comments about the eerie side of nature brought back some scary trips of mine and I was going to post one or two of them today. But I got lazy after setting up my home office I decided to take a vacation.
It rained all day here in the Willamette Valley. When I say rain it is more like someone in the clouds turned the faucet on high and let her pour. Some parts in the valley got 3.96 inches of rain in one day. I was in Costco this evening when one of the fierce down pours started. The metal roof of the store magnified the sound of the down pour. As I sat there eating my sausage and sipping my diet coke I watched the looks on all the people's faces. If my sensory skills are right I'm sensing there is a lot of fear just under the surface of most people. As the rain kept pounding the roof and the noise got louder and louder, I thought what would everyone do if the roof burst open and the water dropped on us like buckets? Would people run for cover? Would they leave loved ones behind? Would they loot the sausage stand? Blame Bush?
I then went home after my Stephen King moment at Costco and watched a little football, did my bills, drank all the grape juice and had to go back to the store for cat litter. Man I was bushed.
Then I got a call from Sir Von Asswipe. He informs me that Can-O-Corn and myself have to go to Tacoma for a week starting tomorrow afternoon. I guess the court case is still on and he knew Friday and forgot to tell us. He will be driving up in his own car because he has to come back Wednesday because his lovely and gracious wife, Peach has a major foot surgery Thursday.
Here's an idea you half-inch piece of labadore poop, why didn't you tell us Friday? What made you think I wanted you driving up there with me in the first place? And when did a bunyun removal become major surgery? You may help yourself out if you'd throw in a couple extra bucks for some lyposuction while the doctor has her sedated. I suggest you start with her head.
If this little pecker-wood didn't pay me so well and my wife wasn't so understanding I'd tell him to take a hike, or take a long walk on this Pirate's short plank. Besides tomorrow is the day he hands out the annual bonuses. We will just have to see how this all turns out by tomorrow at noon. No bucks, no Buck Rodgers.
I will be taking my laptop with me in order to work (blog). I've stayed at the Sheraton every time I go there and they have wireless access. Plus its fun to down several Coronas and piss out the twenty-fifth floor at the convention goers below.
Watch out for yellow rain.
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