Pirates at large
Any of you that have read my blog over the last several months knows I try to keep my ear on current events and I tend to side with GW when it comes to the war on terrorism and I have gotten a lot of support and some flack about it. All good and healthy debate that has made me better informed and I hope it has made more of you a little better informed or at least interested in observing the events as they play out.
I am as sickened as anyone when the tally of dead and wounded American treasures are scrolled across our television sets. My back stiffens and I lose a little air every time I hear of another Oregonian soldier being killed in action since I know several young men now serving in the Middle East and know many more reaching the age of being able to serve their country. As long as there are soldiers in harms way I will not voice any opinion other then my full fledged support of our actions. I as everyone else, have noted the incompetence and the mishaps that the Administation and the military have either perpretrated or endurred. I am also disheartened to hear of so much death on both sides. I have explained before how I celebrate all life and as a conservative do not support capital punishment. But thank God this world is not all about what I believe and fortunately this old Atlas does does not revolve around my Pirate arse.
Since 911, I like millions of other Americans have been vigilante in our attempts to be good citizens and to do what we can do about any future terrorists acts against the USA. I have often thought where is the USA vulnerable? Where could someone do the most harm to us? What types of things could those bent on destroying the infidels be willing and able to do?
The obvious targets have been the airline industry, domestic power facilities and urban transit systems. The areas of entry that concerns a lot of us is the borders with Canada and Mexico and the shipping cantainers that arrive unsearched into our ports throughout the USA. I have focused my energies at possible targets that would make the biggest bang, create at the most fear or anger and targets that appear to be easier then the obvious targets. I have come up with three that I think are important and we need to keep an eye on.
The first one is the schools in the USA. All schools from elementary to higher education are easy targets of mass murder. In the early parts of the war in Iraq a personal computer of one of the Bath Party member's was found and searched for information. On the computer six school districts around the USA were found. The data that was taken from this computer revealed that in these school districts they had schedules of the staff and security monitored, there were floor layouts of these schools and dates noted that had maximum capacity and minimal security. Salem school district was one of the six. What it tells me is that someone living among us has been busy plotting while we accepted them as neighbors and co-workers.
The other area that has concerned me has been the propensity of Americans to be entertained in masses. At least every weekend in the USA there are 50 or more sporting events taking place where 50,000 or more people have gathered. Areas like college and professional football stadiums, NASCAR events and rallies and conventions. All of these events are easy targets with the numerous means of volleying a projectile into the crowd from several miles away. It would be seen by many all at one time and create a lot of havoc and fear.
The third area that has concerned me has led me to attempt to write a novel about and I have been busy trying to put together as much data as I can. This is the luxery liner industry. This industry is such a weak under belly it has made me think of many scenerios. This last weekend some of my ilk tried to make this concern a reality. Apparently two "Pirate" ships or speed boats attacked a small ocean liner with shoulder launced grenades and tried to board the crusie ship. The Captain of the liner was too good for them and thwarted the Pirates aims. (And you thought we were all living in Anaheim). In 1985 terrorists Abba Abu was the mastermind behind the Achille Lauro highjacking. On a side note he was captured in Baghdad by the USA troops during the current war in Iraq.
What concerns me most about the ocean liner "highjacking" is the potential weapon it becomes. First you have a large number of hostages. Secondly, armed with a nuclear device you could cruise it into a place like San Francisco Bay and take out a whole city or at least hold it hostage.
On a more up beat note. My 8th grade girls basketball team begins tonight and cross country is over for the year. My voice is completely gone and am having a heck of a time shaking this bug.
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