Take the Time to Say Thanks
Today is Veteren's Day. A good time as any to take the time to thank those that have served our country. Thank those who have provided so much for so many. Those who have sacrificed either in their own life or that of a loved one. Send a card or an email or make a telephone call to those you know that have served and thank them.
Whatever your political views may be where ever you may have come from, take the time to thank those that have allowed us to have the freedoms we enjoy today.
Then tomorrow we can get back to our own self-serving endevours.
I want to thank:
Wes Gale
Bruce Eddie
Herb Spreen
Michael Solis
Jim Krummel
Richard Krummel
Richard Roberts Sr
Richard Roberts Jr
Harry Cathcart
Ed Salaska
Noah Webster Shaw
Kenneth Eddie
Mel Eddie
Johan Miller
Jeff Jones
Keith Ames
Don Takley
Jim Robinson
Robin Brown
Michael Walters
Donald Eddie
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