A little side note to yesterdays pondering
One of my good liberal friends gave me a call today and said, "Boy did you step in it yesterday with all that bullshit about gays being the proof that their is a God." He then laughed his usual, Pirate what have you been smoking laugh.
He continued. "What the homosexual life style is, is natures way to cut down on the population."
Confused and still trying to remember if I'd smoked anything before I posted yesterday. "Why would nature want to cut down on the population?" I asked him still confused.
"Because the world is getting over run with people. There isn't enough room to put everyone." he kept on laughing.
"I don't follow you", continuing with my confusion.
"Look Pirate there are 6 billion people in the world and not enough land. So nature wanting its super species to survive, creates other activities to keep the humans happy and slowing their mulitplication process." Assured my professor friend from one of the country's finest institutions of higher education.
"How dense does the land mass people quotatant have to get before we all "turn" gay then", I asked?
"Its getting there" was his final assurance.
"Man, Pat Robertson is going to be pissed." I joked. "I just think it will be 1 billion years before that could happen, if not longer. You know if you took everyone in the whole world. I mean everyone. And put them in the state of Texas. They would be less dense then the population of New York City?" I informed him.
"What?" he asked as he was trying to hang up the phone.
"Yeah, there are 6,478,380,004 people in the world. And Texas has 1,382,288,160 square feet. Which is 5 square feet per person." I informed him.
"So" he said as he left the phone up to his ear.
"New York has a population of 8,005,742 with 1,605,120 square feet, which is 4.8 square feet per person. Definately more dense then the overly populated Texas or the world for that matter." I told him feeling that the two seasons of watching "Numbers" was paying off. "I'm sticking with my theory".
"You know what Pirate, you either have too much to smoke or too much time on your hands" click....
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