Intelligent Design or One Big Mistake?
I had to spend a lot time in a car today driving back from Grants Pass, Oregon. This put me in close proximity to talk radio. Bad idea for a guy who has opinions himself. I got to listening to this discussion between some athiest and a some overbearing zealot as they discussed the debate of "Big Bang" vs. "Intelligent Design". Both of them spewed the typical closed minded BS that you usually hear in these types of debates. Both taking positions that only some one 10,000 years old would know. Then somewhere in the dabate homosexuality came up.
I do not know a lot of people that claim they are homosexuals but I have known a few over the years and am related to a couple as well. I have never had an issue with them if you don't count my high school years. I think most boys between 12 and 18 see the gay life as possibly the worst thing imaginable. If I think about it "straight" men tend to think bad of gays until they are in their mid to late twenties.
I think I quit thinking about gays being something of the devil as soon as I had a kid of my own. When I became a father the last thing I wanted to do was layout a game plan in my family that could come back to haunt me later. I mean how could someone ever un-love their kid if he or she was gay?
Well anyway back to these numb-heads and their debate. As I listened to them it became obvious to me they needed a third opinion. They needed to hear the Pirate's thoughts on this but I couldn't get through on the cell so I decided I'd share it with you.
First, I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I also think all sin is equal in the eyes of the lord. So when I lie, cheat,steal or use the lord's name in vain my sin is equal in the eyes of the lord as the homosexual's. So I have no easy out for me other then asking forgiveness on judgement day and hoping my advocate, Jesus understands my heart.
Secondly, the fact there are homosexuals in society is proof there is a God. An Intelligent Designer if you will. Because based on the evolutional theory or scientific theory animals evolve. The survival of the fittiest is the underlying process that allows a species to move to the next level. The strongest in a species essentially dominant of their species.
Now, with that in mind why would a creature that is driven by the survival of its species take part in actions that would obstruct the species from multiplying? My thinking, though not tested and not backed up with a doctorate degree or stuffy surroundings, is that only a creature that innately knows that there is existance beyond this life would participate in activities that would and could keep it from multiplying. Its only a Pirates opinion.
Then I thought of the discussion of those trying to identify a gene that produces homosexuals and all the discussion of couples selecting the sex of their child or eliminating down syndrome kids from being born and the selction process of what types of people society prefers to be born. I then had this image of Jerry Falwell and the Gay Pride Society in the same corner fighting abortion.
Its a good thing the ride was only 3 1/2 hours and I had a Montgomery Gentry CD with me. I could only imagine where this post would have went then.
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