Monday, February 27, 2006

A lot happening these days

Right off the top I would like to say a thank you to three actors I enjoyed through the years, especially in my youth. Don Knotts, Barney Fife, has went to the studio in the sky. When I was kid he put more smiles on my face and made me laugh more then any actor I can remember. His attempts of being the steely faced cop or the suave lady's man with his straight man, Andy Griffith will always be imprinted in my mind.

Darren McGavin's role of the father on "A Christmas Story" will forever make leg lamps a specialty during the yuletide season and his creative use of the English language while he battles feral hounds and obnoxious furnaces. I also enjoyed his "Night Stalker" when I was in high school.

Dennis Weaver has also left this last couple of days. I have a special attachment to him due to the fact he looked and acted a lot like my Grandpa Bruce. Both men comfortable in a cowboy hat that sat above their hawkish facial features. When I was a kid watching McCloud I always saw my mother's father Bruce, in Weaver's New Mexico Sheriff in NYC character. Who can forget his role of the travling salesman in Spielberg's first movie, Duel? The confusion and fear that his face displayed as he tried to elude a crazy manical truck driver we never do see.

Thanks guys you entertained us well.

Is it me or are things getting a little silly these days? The VP accidently peppers a hunting buddy and the press goes into their "Watergate" mode. Meanwhile the Muslims are taking to the streets killing each other and burning up flags because of a cartoon. Then to top it off we find out that an Arab nation has purchased the rights to operate six ports in the USA.

Is it a little hypocritical of us to hope the war in Iraq will eventually lead to a relationship with the Middle East that resembles that of Japan today, if we give a country smaller then most Texas counties the back of our hand in the world market? Do you think those complaining and raising a ruckus about Dubai are standing a little close to the flag of prejudice or racism? I also think it is a little strange how those with the loudest voices against the port deal are silent when discussing the borders.

This morning while I dropped off the kids at school I hear Harry Belafonte in his present hoarsy sounding voice on the radio saying that the common enemy of the world's people is the capitalist system when its being ran by imperical tyrants. Does this idiot honestly think that? Does he think bush is acting as a tyranical imperialist? I also listened to somethings Belafonte and our modern day flower child, Cindy Sheehan say about our country while they stood on a podium with Chavez. Do these dolts really want to relive the 60s? I have friends that still haven't completely sobered up from the Summer of Love and as they see the end of the tunnel there is an element that wants to dig up Timothy Leary, afros, peace signs, braless tie dyes (my favorite) and Neru shirts. You know Pirates always look good in bell bottoms.

I hope that riled something in you and if it did don't blame me.


P.S. A belated by one day happy 40th to Rev. Dr. Abigambi. May you have 40 more on the wild side of the street.