Thursday, March 09, 2006

I've been tagged by Lucifee

Lucifee of Las Vegas fame has found it in her heart to tag me. Lucifee is a pretty young lady who obviously didn't get the memo. The memo that warns people about getting too close to the Pirate. Lucifee, just because I look like a nice jovial fella doesn't mean that I am. Ask a few that have stepped in myh wake.

Lucifee asked me to five the top four answers to the following questions.

Four things I need each mornng:
1. time
2. space
3. air
4. diet coke and coffee

Four things that turn me off:
1. smugness
2. denials
3. pessimism
4. stupid people

Four things I believe in:
1. God
2. myself
3. ghosts
4. freedom

Four things I am afraid of:
1. the dark
2. horror movies
3. heights
4. flying

Four things I do every day:
1. use the bathroom
2. take a shower
3. live
4. eat

Four things I want to do before I die:
1. live longer
2. see my great-great grandchildren
3. be a meanace to those who have made my days miserable at one time or another
4. publish a novel

Four people I would like to see:
1. Jimmy Buffett
2. Stephen King
3. John Grishom
4. James Patterson

Four numbers that rule my life:
1. #1
2. #2
3. #26
4. #69

Four colors i like:
1. blue
2. black
3. green
4. red

Four characteristics of my heritage
1. Irish
2. Scot
3. Welsh
4. English

Four songs I love:
1. The First Time I Saw Him Run
2. Freebird
3. When Love Came to Town
4. Come Monday

Four Hobbies:
1. reading
2. writing
3. lusting
4. TV watching

Four places I would like to visit:
1. Greece
2. Belize
3. Ireland
4. Scotland

Four ways I am not the stereotypical male:
1. I like chick flicks
2. my college apartment was spotless clean
3. I pick house work over work in the yard or home repairs.
4. I love to cook.

You asked Lucifee. So don't blame me because that's just the way I am.
