Its Funny How the Truth Bounces
This is for my professor buddy Rev. Dr. Abagambi. If you do not have the stomach for a political post that leans to the right and is in the favor of the conservative point of view. This post is one that believes Clinton and his lefty friends are a detriment to this country and that Bush has been on target the whole time. if this offends your sensibilities then go elsewhere to read. If you think you have a better perspective then leave a comment.
A few years ago the Reverand doctor was foaming at the corners of his mouth as he claimed that Bush, Cheney and rove were going down and possibly to prison for the Valerie Plame escapades. My response at the time was this was much ado about nothing.
Well recently we were provided the truth. A truth that the special prosecutor knew from the onset, that no one in the white house or withing Bush's circles had anything to do with the release of Valerie plame's name to the press. It turns out that it was Colin Powell's number two man at the State Department, Richard Armitage, was the source of the leak.
Typical lefty government operations. Throw millions of dollars against the wall and then see what sticks.
Then these anti-American types thought they had Bush in the corner once again regarding the secret CIA prisons and the interrogations of some of the most evil people to consume air. The ACLU and the other lefties thought that these imprisoned men, whose defining ambitions is the demise of America's, were being mistreated and should be treated by the administration as nothing more then misguided individuals that hate us because of our past transgressions. And tolerance should be provided them.
Bush gave them what they wanted yesterday. These terrorists will be moved to Cuba and eventually tried. Tried right here in the USA in some type of military tribunal. Today the left is in a stir about this and wants these terrorists to be treated in a fair manner. These anti-american lefties do not want the responsibility dumped at their feet. They prefer the position of being a critic and not one that requires they raise a finger in this fight for the future of our country.
Then I turn on my laptop this morning and all the Clintonestas are worked up about the upcoming ABC movie, The Path to 9/11.
These dolts wanted to walk into future without taking any blame on their incompentance at governing and protecting this country against its enemies. These arrogant elitist wanted the history books to lay all 9/11 at the feet of Bush and his administration when there is nothing that can be laid at the feet of an administration that was less then nine months old.
Sandy Berger and Ms. Not-So-Bright think their showing of their fangs to the press and claiming that the upcoming ABC movie slanders them. But it was Berger who was found guilty of stealing documents that pertained to Osama Bin Laden and how their administration dealt with the threat of terror on our homeland. It was also Ms. Not-So-Bright who was the architect behind the problems we have with al Qeada today because she wanted to pursue a "legal" path to bring Osama to justice other then a military path.
What makes me laugh about their whinning about the movie is where were these reprobates when Michael Moore pushing his truth challenged movie?
I just had to get this off my chest.
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