Be Careful for What You Wish For
I had to laugh after a discussion I had with a friend last night. This friend is one of my best friends that loves to debate politics with me. Not discuss, DEBATE. We have been friends for many years and have agreed on many things but politics is not one of the areas of mutual agreement.
You see he hates, I mean HATES, Republicans, except for me of course. He despises Bush and Reagan was the anti-Christ as far as he is concerned. He has told me that the Bushes have been part of the international drug trade for decades and have played the facade as the ultimate American Family to the hilt when all along they are nothing butr mobsters. He spews this goofy diatribe as if he has proof and was part of some survalliance team that has followed the Bushes since the time of U.S. Senator Prescott Bush.
This friend will run on for ever talking about conspiracies and how this group was behind this and that. How the CIA or Nixon was behind the Kennedy assasination, how the Free Masons have been pulling the strings for ever and ever since the Crusades. He has even went as far to tell me that the Bush family was behind the attacks on 9/11.
Then he'll pooh pooh my assertions that there were more people to gain with the assisnation of Kennedy then Nixon or the CIA. He'll laugh at my theories of why Clinton married a daughter of a Teamster attorney and how the town he grew up in (not Hope, Arkansas) Hot Springs, Arkansas was the winter home of the Chicago mob and that Capone had a mansion in Hot Springs. He laughs when I mention that Clinton's mother spent most of her time at the track where the mob also spent a lot of their time. He even laughs when I tell him that Joseph Kennedy had mob connections from his days of youthful indescretion.
Now last night he was salivating over the fact that Cheney may be caught up in the leaking of a CIA agent's name to the press. He thinks that Cheney, who incidently may be Reagans replacement, is on his way to jail or at the very least have to resign as Vice President. I would have to say he is giddy about it. He is so sure that once Cheney is gone there will be no Republicans in the White House from 2008 to 2016. He thinks Hillary will ride in and save the day.
I then began to rain on his parade. I threw a little of his thinking back at him. I asked him if he thought maybe this was a ploy by the Great Mastermind who was behind the attacks on 9/11 to assure another eight years of Republican rule.
"No way! What do you mean?" he asked not sure if I was messing with him or not.
"Let me ask you, why do you think Hillary will win in 2008?"
He told me that because, "She has great name recognization, plenty of money (incidently raised the same way Tom Delay does it) and she has the backing of the liberal and slightly to the left in the country and if you haven't noticed she is a woman and she will get 75% of the woman votes."
"Do you think Condi Rice could beat Hillary?" I asked him.
"She doesn't have the experience that Hillary has had." was his retort.
"Well, let's see, she was the Provost at Stanford, she was an advisor to two presidents, she was the National Security Advisor, and now the Secretary of State" I figured that had to be atrump card there.
"She hasn't been in a position of power or a position of administration she has always been a flunky." Now he was confident he put my horse back in the stall.
"Do you think Vice President has a little more clout then First Lady or US Senator from New York?" was what I responded with. I then went in for the kill. " Let's see she is woman and she is Black. Using your line of thinking on Hillary, why wouldn't apply to her?"
"Because she isn't Vice President is why."
My final assault. "If Cheney resigns, who do you think Bush will select as his VP?"
I told him be really careful what you wish for...
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