Not much to Post
My laptop is on the outs and I have the flu. Jock and I have been laying around on the couches sick as crap. I am sure it avarian because we hadn't eaten any birds lately. I am borrowing my son's PC to let everyone know I just am too sick to blog yesterday or today.
Last week the Mrs. Pirate and the two younger pirates were sick and now I guess its Jock and my turn. Blaaaah...
I certainly liked the comments on the last post. Its Hillary for the Dems. And Condi or McCain for the Republicans. No room for a third party candidate? You know there are a lot of people in this country that are leaders and have little or no party affiliation. They tend to think moderately and don't owe their souls to any industry or special interest group. Personally I'd like to see someone with the raise their hand and say they'd do it. Someone with the wit of a Will Rodgers or Mark Twain, the brains of a Condi Rice or Newt Gingrich (I know you hate him but he is smart), the morals of Lincoln, ethics of my great grandmother Shaw (who will be 102 in two weeks), the compassion of a Mother Theresa, the humility of Ghandi and political personality of a Clinton or Reagan. Does anyone come to your mind? Until we find someone like this you know we will always get the same old crap.
Gotta go feeling punky right now.
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