Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Off to Tralfamadore

I know two posts in one day. I just read that one of my favorite writers left us this evening for another planet. I hope he has someone here to carry on with his satire.

I know a lot of people found his writing off kilter, whimsical and difficult to follow but I often found myself sitting in bookstores gulping down some hot house coffee lots of room for cream and five blue bags, reading the first chapter or two of whatever Vonnegut I pulled off the shelf. He started a story better then anyone I ever read. Most of the books wandered and lost me from time to time but they were exciting adventures.

“I will say anything to be funny, often in the most horrible situations,” Vonnegut once told a gathering of psychiatrists.

I understand this better then any quote I have read. Humor helps deal with the pain.

I know he is now wandering the heavens with Pvt. Pilgrim pissed off that he was wrong about there being no God.
