Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What does nappy mean anyway?

While I was hiatusing around for the last several months I missed blogging and boy are you better for it.

You didn't get to get my spin on Anna Nicole Smith and how I thought it was a last gasp PR event. You missed what I thought about my ex-babe's, Paris Hilton, second driving arrest.

Didn't get to read my opinion on Britney's divorce, hair cut, rehab, panty show, rehab, come back, rehab, no panty show, rehab, New Year's drunken display, rehab, letting baby drive, rehab opinion.

You were spared about my take on how I thought the Democrats stole both houses in the last election. And put a PTA chairman and a band of reprobates in charge of the store.

You were saved from my boasting for callling the Colts the Superbowl winners before even one kickoff had happened. (Ask Teresa to go back into her posts last Fall if you don't believe me). And how I think they stole the season from the Rams.

You luckily didn't have to hear my spin on the rantings of Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, Ann Coulter, or the slip of tongue by George Allen, Joseph Biden which probably divulged some of their deepest thoughts.

But unfortunately you (unless you have stopped reading by now) are going to hear my thoughts on Don Imus.

When I commuted to Portland for a few years I use to listen to him on the radio. It was the only thing provocative on the radio that early. Rush didn't hit the airwaves for three or four more hours. And Imus was a pot stirrer. Birds of a feather thing going here.

I personally disagree with Imus on a whole lot of things. I also thought he was a little mean spirited with guests and I never understood why anyone would ever go on his show in the first place. But like any other commuter I liked looking at car wrecks. The one thing for sure is, he is funny at times and listening to a crotchity grouch in the morning is nostalgic when you grew up with one.

I didn't hear what Imus had said, but I had read about it before I ever heard anyone's comment. I read he had called the Rutger's women's basketball team a bunch of nappy headed hos.

This was suppose to be a racial comment?

Being someone who thought they had heard all of the bad things one could call another I became confused. I had no idea what nappy even meant. And I didn't know that hos was spelled that way. I had only heard the word hos used by the gang banger types and the comedians who wanted to express some ghetto jargon. I just never put that word in my head or thought of how it was spelled.

So I Googled nappy to find out what the heck that word meant. The first thing that came up is it is a cutsy form of saying diaper. Some parts of the USA and British kingdom uses the word instead of diapers. So is Imus calling them diaper heads?

Then the next several sites referred to one a Black music group, Nappy Rock. Then there was the Nappy stories which is stories about Black women written by what I assume black women. Then there was something about Nappy Hair Affair of which further confused me.

I then went to my memory banks and remember that one of my closest friend, who just happens to be a black women herself, has used the word describing her dislike of President Bush. So I am still confused and have no idea what the heck it means. It appears to have many meanings and is used by a lot of people describing a lot of stuff. But no where is it used as racist. At least not what I have heard and read.

So why the outrage? I hear the word hos thrown around on the TV all the time. And nappy could mean whatever.

Why did Imus even kowtow to those calling for his head? Why would he legitimize the likes of the poverty pushers like Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton? Who gave those two the final say on what is offensive or not? are they racial monitors now?

So what was the remedy? Give the millionaire two weeks vacation and stir more interest in his show. You just know he will have an increase in listeners when he gets back from Cancun. And letting us all know that Al Sharpton has his own radio show too. Smells like another PR stunt at least Anna Nicole Smith went to further lengths for her's.
