The Prophetic Pirate
I promise this is the last time this week I will get all political on you. I just have to throw this idea out there that has been bustin' upside my brain for the last two weeks or so. This is only my observation and since this my blog, its right.
As an observing student of the polemic adventures if both the left and the right I have come to some conclusions about people and groups of people. I have learned to generalize and stereotype as good as the rest of 'em. So here is my projections of what will happen before the first Tuesday in November 2008.
Hillary and Barry O. I personally like Barry better then anyone running at the time. I feel the exact opposite for Hillary. I think Barry conjures up the best and possibly the worst in all of us. On one hand here is a man that is what the term self-made is all about. He doesn't come from any form of financial wealth. He has used his life's experiences to shape what appears to be a kind, well spoken, thoughtful, considerate and caring person. He avoids as much as possible the silly little spats and muslinging the politcal atmosphere tends to drag or push its participants through. He would be a good neighbor and friend without question.
Hillary in my opinion is the opposite all of that she has risen on the coattails of her driven husband all the long selling herself as the "smartest women" in America. She has proven to be vindictive, manipulative and phoney. She hides behind her forced smile and avoids any situation where she may be asked anything tougherer then, "What's on your iPod?" But puts herself out there as an authority of issues she has only opined on after the wind direction has been determined. I would never want her in my neighborhood let alone be a neighbor.
Hillary will win the Democrat's primaries because she has alrady been ordained by the leadership. Plus Barry has never went up against the juggernaut that makes up her political machine. He may get rock star status but she controls the airwaves. She knows where all the bodies are buried, Barry hasn't found the shovel yet.
After winnig the primaries there will be a call for her to place Barry on the ticket with her. And if you think Hillary will have a running mate that could overshadow her you're missing the vindictiveness of this person. Once nominated she will never again stand next to anyone that could cast a shadow over her.
Hillary will select a wallflower but nice guy like Bill Richardson to be her VP. This will quiet her critics a bit for dissing Barry. Her supporters and spinners will be explaining that Mr. Richardson will be bringing the experience in administrative and foreign affairs that Barry lacked. With big surprises on their faces they will explain that he is a minority, but we really weren't looking that close; wink, wink.
McCain and Rudy. Rudy has proven to be a good administator by getting credit for putting New York back in the black and cleaning up the streets. He has proven he is tough on crime, i.e. John Gotti. He recognizes what is the real scurge in the world and knows that there are a few billion people that get up every morning praying for our demise regardless if we are Democrat or Republican. He has proven that he is not all that loyal in his marriages. He has also shown that he differs with many of those that vote Republican. In their eyes he is weak or wrong on social issues like, abortion, 2nd Amendment and gay marriages. Since I tend to lean Libertarian despite what the great Reverend Doctor Abigambi may tell you. I have never based my own votes on two of the three. But it will be hard for manhy Republicans to hold their breaths and vote for him because of at least one of the three issues.
McCain worries me personally. I know he has a following that defies the political borders. He has been pegged the straight talker and many think he was dupped in South Carolina the compromisin' state in 2000. But I think a lot of the shine has left the apple on this guy. There are many great aspects about the guy such as his war hero status and his unwavering stance on the dangers of the Middle East. Then again those very characteristics didn't get Bob Dole elected.
Between these two Rudy wins. And he will take McCain as his running mate. And we have a close race between the two tickets...
Then before you know the next President steps in the race about September 2007, a few months before the first primary. When fewer dollars are needed, where name and face recognition will bolt you to the top. Fred Thompson gets his red pick up out of the garage, rolls up his sleeves and hits the campaign trail with his straight talking, basset hound face and cleans up the Republican primaries. Losing only New York and New England to Rudy. By March 15th Rudy is singing the praises of Fred and how he has watched Law & Order before Fred was ever in the Senate.
Fred will take Condi as his VP. From the convention they will hit the road in the red pick up. Then in November, 2008 they will garner at least 65% of the vote in a landslide.
They will get 10% of their votes from black America and probably more because of the slight of hand that Hillary pulled on Barry. They will get another 25% of their votes from the women that will finally see that their rightful place is at the top and it is finally being realized by Condi. Then the next 30% of their vote will be male. They will bring home the Reagan Democrats, they will retain the both the moderate and conservative Republicans and the power of this country will finally be shared by all the players except the left.
I know it bored you but I just had to get it out there before we all got to fighting over who should take Imus' place on the radio.
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