Has the Pirate turned into another Political Pundit?
Some may think I have have flipped my noggin and went all out right-wing whacko. Others may say we really don't care about politics so write about those topics that make us smile and yet the great Rev Dr. Abagambi will state he knows all those years of mowing grass have finally eaten my brain away.
I have had some ask me why do I always slap a wet onde up against the head of the liberals and Democrats whenever I get the chance. One of the reasons is I am a pot stirrer and like kicking up a lather when possible. I also want all my liberal and Democratic friends to get a look how their political views closely resemble the views of the anti-American foreign leaders.
I am also striking out in my own little way how I think the Democrat election strategy is wrong and lends itself to the detriment of this great country.
I have no problem with disagreements and descent I have a real problem making such waves when we have men and women in harms way fighting for the freedoms we apathetically enjoy. Plain and simple I am a homer and will do everything possible to support the home team until the game is over and the foes have gotten on the bus and went home.
I have no problem reviewing the game film and making sure we don't make the same mistakes in the future but in no way am I ever going to yell for the other team when the clock is running.
It looks like New York Democrat Charles Rangle read my blog last night. He told Chavez to never again come into our country and bad mouth our president. He said Bush may be a devil but he is our devil.
Not to be left out the world's third most powerful person, Nancy "The Joker" Pelosi dittoed Rangles comments. She also said she prefers Seattle's Best over Starbuck's and she has the anxiety spells to prove it.
The pirate's political party alignment has only a few players. These two are responsible for the entertainment at that party. Jimmy plays guitar and Kinky provides the fatties.
As long as they find a place in their cabinet for Condi I am all for these two running the whole show.
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