Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Chavez Marries Ahmadinejad

This clown to the left pointing toward the direction of where his dictatorship will be heading in the next year or so, brought his form of comedy to the UN today. Speaking straight from the talking points Howard Dean had slipped him prior to taking to the dias, Hugo Chavez spewed his hate in the land of freedom by calling President Bush, the devil; el diablo.

He spent his time in front of the free world taking shot after shot at our President. He claimed President Bush is trying to take over the world through terror and he thinks he likes to throw his weight around with the USA's technology and military strength.

Chavez drew a few laughs from the motley crew who comprise his aduience when he said he could still smell the stinch of Bush from the day before who had stood in the same place 24 hours earlier. I think the odor was coming from his upper lip.

Chavez then told the world he is closely aligned with Iran, Cuba and the Democratic party of the USA. And told the world if the USA does anything to stop the move of Iran to attain nuclear weapons he would push the price of oil to $200 per barrell. Then he encouraged the world to read the latest anti-American tripe from the messiah of the left, Noam Chomsky.

As the Democrat party numbers begin to slip in the polls over the next month and a half they will claim that Bush planned this whole UN Summit in order to manipulate the election.

Well, Hugo. Let me make this perfectly clear. Bush may be a devil but he is our devil and a lowly little tin-horn dictator like you is nothing but a gnat in history. Your time is limited and your type need not apply for any further consideration. You better enjoy the few years you have left at the top of your heap because you are coming down soon.

Shortly after his speech Chavez was caught in the hall of the UN making out with his boyfriend Ahmadinejad.

I think there is a little tongue being slopped around there.