Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bus ride

I have had this reoccurring dream of late. This is the third time in my life I have had a dream continue over a period of time. Several years ago I had a series of dreams that no matter what happened in the dream it always concluded in Denver, Colorado. Not too strange unless you consider I have never been to Denver.

A few months ago I had a dream that I could fly. I mean literally fly, like Superman without the cape. In every dream I had over a period of time, I always found myself conveying to others that my true secret, was I could fly.

What is different from the current dream is that unlike the other dream series this dream is always the same but ends a little different every time. The two earlier series always ended the same but were only conclusions to different dreams.

My current dream I am standing at the front of a city bus with my back to the windshield. I am holding onto two silver posts, one for each hand, facing the back of the bus that is filled with people I have never seen before. Faces in the crowd if you will. The only familiar person on the bus is the driver who I look over to twice in the dream. The driver is Hoss of Old Snake Horsetail fame.

The bus is careening through a major city with hills. I can see the buildings through the windows on both sides of the bus but I am not familiar with any of the buildings. As the bus speeds down hill, after hill, after hill I hang on tighter and tighter to the two silver posts, swaying with the flow of the bus. Leaning one direction and then the other. Its like downhill skiing, backwards.

Then people in the bus request me to sing "Mustang Sally" and all I can think of when they ask me to sing is the movie, Bullett. I plead with them to allow me to tell them about why I chose the Kansas City Chiefs to beat the Minnesota Vikings in the Super Bowl in 1970 and they all keep requesting "Mustang Sally" the way Steve McQueen would have sang it. I tell them I have never heard Steve McQueen sing but I have seen Len Dawson throw a football.

What changes at this stage is sometimes I am able to get someone else to get up and sing with me. Or maybe someone else gets up and sings the song in my place, but never is it steve McQueen. And on occasions Mr. Howe shows up and explains to the bus riders why he thought it was going to be like taking candy from a baby, when he took the $20 bet from a 10 year old kid and so he took Minnesota to win.