Football, Football, Football
I'm starting to like this life of lazy. I don't think I've watched so much football in my life. Coming from a football junkie that means a lot of football. I started off with the "Will he retire or will he return Bowl" where some of us football lovers may have watched the last of Bret Favre while he walloped the soon to be Super Bowl Champs, Seattle Seahawks. I know Dale has Broncos to hope for and Teresa has those rascally Colts, but I'm going out on the limb right now and will give it to the Seahawks.
Then there was the "Napping Bowl" where I dozed in and out of conscienceness as the Redskins beat the Eagles. By the way where is McNabb when the game is on the line? Probably eating soup.
Then I finished my night off with my Rams puting the hurts on them damn Cowboys. It brought back great memories. When I was growing up it seemed that the NFC always came down to the Cowboys, Vikings and the Rams to see who would have the oportunity to play the Steelers in the Super Bowl. My middle brother Kevin who is a year younger thn me was a major Cowboy fan and I idolized Roman Gabriel, Jck Snow and the Fearsome Foursome of the Rams. Then like clockwork the Rams would end up playing in the NFC champoiinship against the Cowboys and their man Roger Staubach. And without fail the Rams would lose and I'd be set preparing for the next year. There were a lot of times back then where somewhere along the line Kevin would get into his gloating manner and I'd have to kick his butt. I remember one night me in the top bunk and him in the bottom. He was down there going on about something about the game and kicking the bottom of my mattress. I swung down over the edge in perfect Pirate fashion and landed both of my feet right into his head. Then the next day the Steelers put the hurts on the damn Cowboys.
So last night was delightful.
Today, Bowl game after bowl game. Right now I'm watching Ohio State put the hurts on Notre Dame. Its half time and the announcers remin true to their passion and are busy either explaining why Notre Dame is behind and how they are going to come back. Hey, Muesberger, figure it out the Irish are way over rated and this would have happened if the ducks had gotten to play them too.
Don't get me started on the Notre Dame or Brent Muesburger.
I forgot to mention I have been putting together my first solicitation mailing of 250 letters that have to go out tonight. I originally thought 100 would be fine but doubt set in. I have licked so many envelopes today I think my tongue has grown. Maybe i should start my own rock band and give Gene Simmons a run for the money.
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