Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rock Star my Rear

For the last two years I have been an avid Rock Star fan. I personally can't stand any most of the reality type programs. Too many of the programs encourage the worst characteristics of competition and even being a human being. The drama that comes with back-biting and sabatoge only appeal to me when on the open seas and the crew has been out of port for over a month or two then I can appreciate a good drama. But for TV entertainment, count me out on Big Brother or

Now Rock Star is a whole other story. It is a show that encourages the performers to "Bring it". Put your talent on display and your heart on your sleeve and ROCK!

Last year's winner JD Fortune gave me some reservations throughout season but by the end there was little doubt he had what it took to front a band and bring the intensity for a two hour show. And most of all he was talented.

This year there the crew was more talented. It was obvious from the beginning Magni, Storm Large, Toby Rand and Ryan Star were headed to to the top. The band SuperNova had a different view on the competition. Last night they had whittled the group of 16 down to two. The two I thought who should have been cut several weeks back. Some because of their "drama" that instantly turns me off and I didn't think they entertained me at all. The final two were Dilana and Lukas. With Lukas some how coming out on top.

To show you how much I know Lukas evidently recieved the most votes of the contestants. So you know how in tune the Pirate is.

To make myself feel better I went to the corporate coffee house, "Starbucks", last night and bought the new Dylan CD, Modern Times. You need to hear it. There is some old and some new in the CD.

In other news today. A back up punter from Northern Colroado State decided riding the bench wasn't his cup of tea. So he dressed in a black hoody and attacked the starting punter with a club and a knife. First he struck the youg man from behind to drop him to the ground. Then he stabbed the boy in his kicking leg. Talking about getting an edge on the competition.

I read today a MySpace participant was arrested for trying to hire a Pirate, uhm mm, a hitman to kill another MySpace girl for having put her picture on the first girls boyfriend's MySpace. MySpace users must be cheap because all she paid was $400 with a $100 bonus when the job was complete. You know the Blogger crowd would pay more then that.

I also read today that a British scientist has discovered that men are smarter then women. Well, duh. You just know this guy can't be married. I'm waiting for the next step in the research when he figures out if being a blonde has anything to do with IQ.

I see where the president of Iran has said he believes that Iran would be a better world leader then the USA. And the Democrats seconded his opinion. Well, not all the Democrats. Hillary is still on our side but we need to keep an eye on Carter, Kerry and Kennedy.

Speaking of Hillary I have been thinking about doing a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Don't you think Hillary would be an excellent Dorothy?

Who should play the other parts? If you think Hillary would be better suited for an other part feel free to chime in.

Do you think the cute blonde hottie teacher, LaFave, got off because she was such a little hard body? Hey, judge damn glad we have a legal system and not a justice system. I hope you can sleep at night. A more relevant punishment would have had that little skank serving on my ship for the next six years before she got fat.

Suppose she was the quinea pig in the previous IQ test?

I was wondering the other day how a story would turn out if one person did a chapter and passed it on with the goal of 30 of more chapters all from other writers. Do you think it would be any good? Or would resemble a collection of short stories?

Dinners done I'm out of here......


Oh, yeah one other thing I still haven't seen Dennis Miller for a long time. What do you think they did with him?