Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aftermath equals more tragedy

The tragedy at Virginia Tech was a horror we will be reminded of for many years to come and we should never forget.

What saddens me is that the tragedy seems to bring out the craziest parts in all of us. Before any funeral, before any time to reflect, before the smoke even clears the air we are flooded with the din of stupidity.

As I drove up I-5 this morning on my way to see a couple clients I was accompanied by my usual friend, "talk radio". I had a finger on the seek button to attempt to hear what was being said about one of this nations worse nightmares. I hit all the stations to get a feel.

I began to hear the starts of the next political debate. Both sides have cleared their throats, typed out their talking points, and began their banter. A banter that we all have become so familiar with. A banter that is nothing but noise driven by hyperbole. Before the 6 o'clock news even came on last night, I knew these heartless pot stirrers would begin their fingerpointing and their "money-changer" machines would be wound up and ready to charge.

I am talking about the so called experts on why and how these types of tragedies happen.

One commentator is calling for the police chief and school President to be hauled off in chains and leg irons. Thrown in the public square to be stoned. This one blames Charlton Heston. That one knows its Bush or Rosie's fault.

Another thinks the Second Amendment needs to be abolished, immediately. Why should people have the right to protect themselves don't they know their government will do it for them?

Still another is warning those who dare take his guns away, they better bring a crowbar to pry his cold dead hands from it. And enough body bags for those who try.

Other countries have harped that the USA is a society of infidels and this is the horror we bring on ourselves. Them darn Americans have too many freedoms.

There was, and thankfully it died down, a quiet question of, is this terrorism from abroad? I mean the guy doesn't even look like us and he came here from somewhere else. What was that scribbled on his arm?

I have even heard some of those I admire, claim if their would have been someone else in the fire fight armed and ready to shoot, less would have died. I have heard many claim that a well holstered society would prevent this type of thing from happening. The idea of arming the teachers and the staff of educational institutions might be a "logical" idea. But who wants to be there around finals time?

There are cries of banning this or that. Outlawing all of them. Erecting metal detectors everywhere people amass. Questions of each others patriotism because of ones position on guns.

My God, are we nuts?

It has been less then a week and everyone has a solution.

There are way too many of us making money off the tragedies of others. It is not one radio show personality, it is not one political party over another or an ideology. Its an institutionalized crazy house set up as a meat grinder. An event comes along that grabs the attention of the majority of us and the kiosks are set up all around the disaster. Views and solutions are vended like hot dogs, snow cones and elephant ears.

One day its some old cranky entertainer that lets a politically uncorrect word or statement get out of their mouth either under the influence of a mind altering substance or stupidity and the lines are drawn, the fight begins. The rehab hall gets another guest. We then feel somewhat better about them, for awhile that is.

Another day, its a "create-and-produce-nothing" starlette showing her less then desirables and my goodness all the parenting and fashion design experts are on every page of the local fish wrap, butt-wipe paper and every cable news rassilin' show. Yelling and screaming about her unfitness to be like us. What ever happened to that little chubby cheeked baby star we all loved and adored behind her back? She had such a cute belly-button.

A tragedy beyond most of our own imaginations hits us right smack in the mouth and we all come out swinging. Bumper stickers are printed, babies are kissed, tears are publically wiped and the show begins again. New favorites are rushed to the front for public consumption and we all become smarter.

Discuss yes. Discourse most likely. Civility for sure.

We all need to remember there are things on this here big old ball that are evil and no matter how damn hard we try and no matter what new invention is created to end all travieties, evil is still going to get a good lick in on us. At least its going to give us a shiner. Its because evil is working harder to win then we are.
